“If you care about what people think about you, you will end up being their slave. Reject and pull your own rope.”
― Auliq Ice
These days some of the excuses are pretty much popular among almost everyone, for example: We are waiting for the right time, oh! I think I am unable to understand because of online classes, lockdown is stopping me to learn or to grow etc.
But, there are also some youngest mature learners, who take this lockdown as an opportunity and tell themselves that they need to work even harder and faster. Life is a series of choices and these choices are always made by our minds, what if these choices are made with both our heart and mind? What if we choose to stand out rather than giving up? What if we choose to work out rather than explaining the excuses? Why is the head down? It is the time of the training of our minds to be optimistic, take the pain positively, and wait to see how it pays off. We can harness our will by considering each opportunity. What is going to stop us, if we are ready? Hard work is most precious asset which can change our personality and lives. Nothing is worthwhile in life without the risks. Risks can drastically make our minds stronger. We are either growing or decaying but still, the choice is ours how we make these parts and chapter of life look great to us. How we leave our fragrance even after leaving this world.
We all have the qualities within us but, we need to recognize them. The elevator to success is in our minds. With hard and smart work, we can literally achieve anything in the world. Why are we blaming others for our unsuccessful story? Even the end of the story can be the new beginning if we want. Only we are responsible for all our actions if we rely on others, still we are responsible for our today and for the future.
Life is a series of choices, let’s make the smartest one. _DHS