“From the depth of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength. “
Cesar Chavez
Your child’s learning time is the essential time to decide the future’s success or academic success, many of the parents find it difficult to manage a study time for their children. It gets difficult for parents to teach or make children revise all the subjects.
Parents can organize studying or teaching time for children by planning a proper schedule for children. Create a strong plan to make them revise everything. Keep in mind that making a study schedule doesn’t mean to remove their play time from the schedule. Play time is also very important.
You can divide the subjects into weeks, per week you can keep three different subjects.
Follow the steps below to prepare an amazing study plan for your child.
List down all the subjects you want to teach your children, now write the days on which you will teach them.
Now list down the materials you would need to teach them, like chart sheet or any other object. Mention the time for each subject it should be 30 minutes for each subject and three subjects can be revised but for mathematic 1 hour should be there.
• Take into account difficulty of the subject or exam.
• Take into account the amount of reading you will need to do.
• Take into account the amount of reviewing you will need to do
After planning all your schedule, you must write it properly on a piece of paper or take out a print from your printer paste it somewhere on your cupboard or your bedroom so that it will remind you that when the study time starts.
This will help keep you on track, create checkpoints for the material, and allow you to organize your textbooks and study materials ahead of time.