Problem solving and critical thinking skills are two of the essential and sought after abilities in society today.
There are many smarts ways to make your child a problem solver and critical thinker. When we have variety so we must choose the smartest way to achieve this goal. Making your child a problem solver and critical thinker by asking some riddles is the most effective way in my opinion.
To find the answer, children form associations, link ideas and think, be creative and make conclusions.
In this way, children get the opportunity to master skills of asking the right questions to get new information that will help them obtain the required answer.The more words child comes across, uses and understands; the broader their vocabulary will become.It also builds a healthy relationship with your child.
I remembered, how I used to find the answers of riddles in my childhood in Dawn magazine. Those riddles really made me smarter and creative too..
Almost every culture has local riddles. Some countries that have many riddles are Philippines, Netherlands, Russia, China, Hungary and Finland. Many cultures already realized through riddling that everything is not what it seems.
Riddles can obviously improve how kids think. After all, they are oftentimes called brain teasers.
Telling and teaching riddles to children is a great way to form relationships with them and break through any social issues the child may have, making it easier for them to form social relationships in the future.
“As a kid, I loved doing puzzles, solving riddles, and reading mystery books. I also loved animals and always had pets.”
by Bonnie Bassler